Andragoras (Seleucid satrap)

Not to be mistaken for Andragoras, a satrap of Alexander from 331 BCE, also in the area of Parthia.
Satrap and self-proclaimed King of Parthia.

Coin of Andragoras.
Obv:Bearded ruler wearing the taenia.
Rev': Greek legend ΑΝΔΡΑΓΟΡΟΥ ("Andragoras"). Quadriga driven by Nike, together with an armed warrior.
Reign 245–238 BCE (as King)
Successor Arsaces

Andragoras (died 238 BCE) was a Seleucid satrap of the province of Partahia (Parthia), under the Seleucid rulers Antiochus I Soter and Antiochus II Theos.[1][2]

Andragoras wrested independence from the Seleucid Empire in 247–245 BCE, at a time when the Seleucids were embroiled in conflict with Ptolemaic Egypt.[1] He revolted soon after the Greco-Bactrian Kingdom itself had broken away from the Seuleucids.[1] In defiance, he issued coins in which he wears the royal diadem as well as his name.[3] Andragoras was a neighbour, a contemporary, and probably an ally of Diodotus I in Bactria, who also wrested independence around the same time, giving rise to the Greco-Bactrian kingdom.

Andragoras ruled only for a few years, before being vanquished and killed by the Parni led by Arsaces around 238 BCE, who went on to create the Parthian Empire:[1]

"He (Arsaces) was used to a life of pillage and theft, when he heard about the defeat of Seleucus against the Gauls. Relieved from his fear of the king, he attacked the Parthians with a band of thieves, vanquished their prefect Andragoras, and, after having killed him took the power over the nation" ("Hic solitus latrociniis et rapto uiuere accepta opinione Selencum a Gallis in Asia uictum, solutus regis metu, cum praedonum manu Parthos ingressus praefectum eorum Andragoran oppressit sublatoque eo imperium gentis inuasit") Justin, xli. 4.
